B. Dufallo (éd.), Roman Error: Classical Reception and the Problem of Rome's Flaws

Samedi, 03 Février 2018 08:43 Guillaume Flamerie de Lachapelle


Basil Dufallo (éd.), Roman Error: Classical Reception and the Problem of Rome's Flaws, Oxford-New York, 2017.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
304 pages
ISBN : 9780198803034
65 £


In the eyes of posterity, ancient Rome is deeply flawed. The list of censures is long and varied, from political corruption and the practice of slavery, to religious intolerance and sexual immorality, yet for centuries the Romans' "errors" have not only provoked opprobrium, but also inspired wayward and novel forms of thought and representation, themselves errant in the broad sense of the Latin verb. This volume is the first to examine this phenomenon in depth, treating examples from history, philosophy, literature, psychoanalysis, and art history, from antiquity to the present, to examine how the Romans' faults have become the basis for creative experimentation, for rejections of prevailing ideology, even for comedy and delight. In demonstrating that the reception of Rome's missteps and mistakes has been far more complex than simply denouncing them as an exemplum malum to be shunned and avoided, it argues compellingly that these "alternative" receptions are historically important and enduringly relevant in their own right. "Roman error" comes to signify both ancient misstep and something that we may commit when engaging with Roman antiquity, whereby reception may even be conceived as "error" of a kind: while the volume ably addresses popular fascination with a wide range of Roman vices, including violence, imperial domination, and decadence, it also asks us to consider what makes certain receptions matter, how they matter, and why.


List of Illustrations
List of Contributors

0: Introduction, Basil Dufallo
1: The Error of Roman Aesthetics, Caroline Vout
2: Whose Mistake? The Errors of Friendship in Cicero, La Boétie, and Montaigne, Marc Bizer
3: Friends, Romans, Errors: Moments in the Reception of amicitia, Craig Williams
4: Past Sovereignty: Roman Freedom for Modern Revolutionaries, Joy Connolly
5: Receptions of Rome in Debates on Slavery in the USA, Margaret Malamud
6: The Romance of Roman Error: Encountering Antiquity in Hawthorne's The Marble Faun, Catharine Edwards
7: Im Sinne der Antike : Masochism as Roman Error in Venus in Furs, Marco Formisano
8: Correcting Rome with Rome: Victor Hugo's Quatrevingt-treize, Michèle Lowrie and Barbara Vinken
9: The Roman Aura in Henry James's Daisy Miller: A Study (1878), John Carlos Rowe
10: The Pleasures and Punishments of Roman Error: Emperor Elagabalus at the Court of Early Cinema, Maria Wyke
11: Psychic Life in the Eternal City: Julia Kristeva and the Narcissism of Rome, Richard Fletcher



Source : Oxford University Press