W. Ameling et alii (éd.), Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae (IV, 2)

Mardi, 20 Novembre 2018 08:40 Guillaume Flamerie de Lachapelle


Walter Ameling et alii (éd.), Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae (IV, 2): Iudaea / Idumaea, Part 2: 3325-3978, Berlin, 2018.

Éditeur : De Gruyter
xi, 822 pages
ISBN : 978-3-11-054493-0
149,95 €


Volume IV/2 of the CIIP includes all inscriptions from the regions known as Judea and Idumea in ancient times. It does not include Jerusalem, whose inscriptions were previously presented in Volume 1. The inscriptions are epigraphic texts in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Georgian, and Armenian.

Table of contents.
1. CII. Herodion (mod. Jebel Fureidis)
2. CIII. Drusias (mod. Ḥ. Midras)
3. CIV. Beit Sha‘ar
4. CV. Suca (mod. Kh. Khureitun
5. CVI. Tel Lavnin
6. CVII. Thecoa (mod. Teqo῾a, Kh. et-Tuqu῾)
7. CVIII. Tell el-Judeiyida (Tel Goded)
8. CIX. Ḥ. Alim
9. CX. Ḥ. Tannim
10. CXI. Ḥ. Burgin
11. CXII. Enadab (mod. Kh. ῾Ain Dab, Beit ῾Itab)
12. CXIII. Kh. el-῾Ein
13. CXIV. Qiriath ῾Arbaia (mod. ῾Ein ῾Arrub)
14. CXV. Beit Fajjar
15. CXVI. Sde Moshe
16. CXVII. ῾Iyye Neḥash
17. CXVIII. Ḥ. Gibor
18. CXIX. Kh. Za῾aquqa
19. CXX. Eleutheropolis (Beit Jibrin, mod. Beit Guvrin)
20. CXXI. Marisa (Maresha, mod. Tell Sandahannah)
21. CXXII. Murabba῾at
22. CXXIII. Ḥ. Ḥoresh
23. CXXIV. Alula (mod. Ḥalḥul)
24. CXXV. Beth Loya (Kh. Lehi)
25. CXXVI. Rasm el-Beida
26. CXXVII. Bethennim (mod. Kh. Beit ῾Anun)
27. CXXVIII. Lachish (mod. el-Qubeibe)
28. CXXIX. Mamre (mod. Ramet el-Khalil)
29. CXXX. Tell el-Hesi
30. CXXXI. Kh. en-Nakieh
31. CXXXII. Ḥ. Qaẓra
32. CXXXIII. Beit el-Ban
33. CXXXIV. Duweimi
34. CXXXV. Kh. el-Kom
35. CXXXVI. Kh. el-Muraq
36. CXXXVII. ῾Ein el-Ma῾amudiye
37. CXXXVIII. Kh. ed-Deir
38. CXXXIX. Hebron (Kiriath Arba, Mamre)
39. CXL. Kh. Deir Ṣamit
40. CXLI. Beit ῾Awwa
41. CXLII. Adora (mod. Dura)
42. CXLIII. Kh. Jammama
43. CXLIV. Ruḥama
44. CXLV. Kh. Birker
45. CXLVI. Kh. el-Qaṣr
46. CXLVII. Ḥ. ῾Eitun
47. CLXVIII. Iethira (Yatir, mod. Kh. ῾Attir)
48. CLXIX. Tel Kerioth
49. CLXX. Masada
50. CLXXI. Yarma
51. CLXXII. Dead Sea Caves
52. CLXXIII. Items of unknown provenance
53. Index of personal names
54. Maps
55. Key to locations



Source : De Gruyter