
A. Carandini (éd.), The Atlas of Ancient Rome Biography and Portraits of the City

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Andrea  Carandini (éd.), The Atlas of Ancient Rome Biography and Portraits of the City, Princeton, 2017.

Éditeur : Princeton University Press
1280 pages
ISBN : 9780691163475
199 $

The Atlas of Ancient Rome provides a comprehensive archaeological survey of the city of Rome from prehistory to the early medieval period. Lavishly illustrated throughout with full-color maps, drawings, photos, and 3D reconstructions, this magnificent two-volume slipcased edition features the latest discoveries and scholarship, with new descriptions of more than 500 monuments, including the Sanctuary of Vesta, the domus Augusti, and the Mausoleum of Augustus. It is destined to become the standard reference for scholars, students, and anyone interested in the history of the city of Rome.
The Atlas of Ancient Rome is monumental in scope. It examines the city's topography and political-administrative divisions, trade and economic production, and social landscape and infrastructure—from residential neighborhoods and gardens to walls, roads, aqueducts, and sewers. It describes the fourteen regions of Rome and the urban history of each in unprecedented detail, and includes profiles and reconstructions of major monuments and works of art. This is the only atlas of the ancient city to incorporate the most current archaeological findings and use the latest mapping technologies.

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G. Catapano et E. Moro (éd.), Agostino, Commenti alla Genesi

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Giovanni Catapano et Enrico Moro (éd.), Agostino, Commenti alla Genesi, Milano, 2018.

Éditeur : Bompiani Editore
Collection : Il pensiero occidentale
1792 pages
ISBN : 9788845298578
50 €

In questo volume sono pubblicate le tre opere di Agostino di Ippona (354-430) dedicate interamente al commento dei racconti della creazione contenuti nel libro biblico della ''Genesi''. La più importante di queste opere, cioè ''La Genesi alla lettera'' in dodici libri, fu citata dallo stesso Galileo Galilei come modello del corretto rapporto tra esegesi biblica e ricerca scientifica. Il testo contiene molte dottrine rilevanti, a partire da quella delle ragioni causali, che permette di pensare alla creazione come articolata in un momento fondativo originario e in un governo provvidenziale tuttora in corso. Il confronto con le altre due opere qui pubblicate (''La Genesi contro i manichei'' e il ''Libro incompiuto sulla Genesi alla lettera'') consente di cogliere e apprezzare l'evoluzione interna dell'esegesi agostiniana, passata dall'esplicitazione del senso allegorico all'indagine del senso letterale. Il testo latino a fronte riprende quello delle edizioni di riferimento, aggiornandolo in base alle numerose proposte filologiche avanzate successivamente e indicate in apparato.
La traduzione è frutto di un lungo e minuzioso lavoro di analisi del testo e mira a coniugare il più possibile precisione e leggibilità.


Source : Bompiani Editore


M.-A. Julia, Les présentatifs des langues anciennes et modernes

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Marie-Ange Julia, Les présentatifs des langues anciennes et modernes, Thiverval-Grignon, 2018.

Éditeur : Editions Universitaires Européennes
468 pages
ISBN : 978-6138417538
64,90 €

En offrant à la fois une description comparative et une analyse linguistique des présentatifs d'une trentaine de langues anciennes et modernes (principalement du français, du latin et du grec), l'ouvrage tente de définir ce que sont ces « petits mots » très usuels et polyfonctionnels qui, pourtant, sont souvent négligés par les grammaires ou la littérature scientifique. Il se propose d'élargir la vision que donnent les études précédentes sur un ou deux présentatifs d'une même langue ‒ le plus souvent le français ‒, afin de créer la classe même des présentatifs et de porter un regard à la fois synchronique et diachronique sur les rares mots qui la composent. Combinant l'analyse morphologique, syntaxique et l'analyse de la structuration informationnelle, combattant souvent les nombreuses idées reçues à leur sujet, il veut éclairer également la manière dont fonctionnent les présentatifs en langue, depuis leur genèse jusqu'à leur usage actuel ou jusqu'au moment où ils sont sortis de l'usage. Plus que tout autre mot, le présentatif porte témoignage d'une incroyable permanence et, fondamentalement, illustre l'inscription du dialogue dans la morphologie.




J. E. G. Zetzel, Critics, Compilers, and Commentators

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James E. G. Zetzel, Critics, Compilers, and Commentators. An Introduction to Roman Philology, 200 BCE-800 CE, Oxford, 2018.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
446 pages
ISBN : 9780195380514
£ 64

"To teach correct Latin and to explain the poets" were the two standard duties of Roman teachers. Not only was a command of literary Latin a prerequisite for political and social advancement, but a sense of Latin's history and importance contributed to the Romans' understanding of their own cultural identity. Put plainly, philology — the study of language and texts — was important at Rome.
Critics, Compilers, and Commentators is the first comprehensive introduction to the history, forms, and texts of Roman philology. James Zetzel traces the changing role and status of Latin as revealed in the ways it was explained and taught by the Romans themselves. In addition, he provides a descriptive bibliography of hundreds of scholarly texts from antiquity, listing editions, translations, and secondary literature. Recovering a neglected but crucial area of Roman intellectual life, this book will be an essential resource for students of Roman literature and intellectual history, medievalists, and historians of education and language science.


Source : Oxford University Press


D. Konstan, In the Orbit of Love Affection in Ancient Greece and Rome

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David Konstan, In the Orbit of Love Affection in Ancient Greece and Rome, Oxford, 2018.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
Collection : Classical studies
232 pages
ISBN : 9780190887872
£ 20

This book is about love in the classical world — not erotic passion but the kind of love that binds together intimate members of a family and very close friends, but which may also extend to include a wider range of individuals for whom we care deeply. David Konstan begins the book with a discussion of friendship, focusing particularly on the Greek notion that in friendship the identities of two friends all but merge into one. The book then turns to the question of loyalty, and why loyalty seems not to have achieved the status of a virtue in classical thought, before considering love in relation to generosity, favors, and gratitude. There follows a discussion of grief, which is a symptom of the loss of a loved one. The book concludes with an examination of love as the basis of civic solidarity.

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Ch. E. Murgia et R. A. Kaster (éd.), Serviani in Vergili Aeneidos libros IX-XII commentarii

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Charles E. Murgia et Robert A. Kaster (éd.), Serviani in Vergili Aeneidos libros IX-XII commentarii, Oxford, 2018.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
632 pages
ISBN : 9780190849566
£ 97

This edition of the Servian commentaries on Aeneid 9-12 was originally conceived as the final volume of the so-called "Harvard Servius", begun by Edward Kennard Rand and his students at Harvard in the 1920s. Nearly a century farther on, the projects vicissitudes are too well known and too complex to bear repeating here: it is enough to say that this is the first new volume of the commentary to appear in over fifty years. On his death in 2013 Charles E. Murgia left publishable versions of the text, upper and lower critical apparatuses, and large parts of the introduction, and he had gather most of the data for the testimonial apparatus. Robert A. Kaster completed the work on the testimonia and introduction (using some of Murgia's unpublished writings to supplement the latter), added some subsidiary elements, and prepared the whole for publication. Thanks primarily to the work of Charles Murgia, this edition is superior to its predecessors in the same series, and to all other editions of Servius, in every respect.


Source : Oxford University Press


L. Dubosson-Sbriglione, Le culte de la Mère des dieux dans l'Empire romain

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Lara Dubosson-Sbriglione, Le culte de la Mère des dieux dans l'Empire romain, Stuttgart, 2018.

Éditeur : Franz Steiner Verlag
Collection : Potsdamer Altertumwissenschaftliche Beiträge
551 pages
ISBN : 9783515119900
78 €

Cet ouvrage se veut une synthèse des connaissances sur le culte romain de la grande Mère des dieux (Mater deum magna), aussi connue sous le nom de Cybèle. Après avoir présenté les causes et les circonstances liées à son arrivée à Rome, l'auteure revient sur l'organisation de ce culte. Quels rites les Romains ont-ils mis en place pour honorer cette grande déesse ? Que savons-nous des prêtres et prêtresses, des galles, des archigalles ainsi que des autres acteurs cultuels romains et phrygiens qui étaient chargés d'accomplir les rites ? Quelles étaient les confréries qui s'étaient placées sous son patronage, et quels rôles jouaient-elles dans son culte ? Mais surtout que savons-nous réellement des rites mystériques du taurobole et du criobole ? Pour répondre à ces diverses interrogations, l'auteure s'est fondée sur un vaste corpus littéraire, épigraphique et iconographique en proposant une analyse rigoureuse et systématique de ces documents. L'approche pluridisciplinaire permet de renouveler profondément notre perception du culte métroaque et de proposer des interprétations novatrices. Un corpus épigraphique avec la traduction des textes relatifs au taurobole est également proposé.


Source : Franz Steiner Verlag


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