The Journal of Medieval Latin 34/2024


The Journal of Medieval Latin 34, 2024.

Éditeur : Brepols
vi, 353 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60865-5
96 EUR (excl. VAT)

Table des matières
Luisa Ostacchini, "Ælfric of Eynsham and the Treatise De ebrietate cauenda of Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 63"
Rebecca Menmuir and Simon Whedbee, "Glossing Book 3 of the Pseudo-Ovidian De vetula"
Jérémy Delmulle, "Notes on the Text of the Twelfth-Century Cluniac Relatio metrica de duobus ducibus"
Gregory Hays, "Additional Notes on the Relatio metrica de duobus ducibus"
William Robins, "Quid turbata mente uersaris?: Agnellus of Ravenna and the Story of Apollonius of Tyre"
Gavin Weaire, "Gawain, Son of Viamundus: Problems of Filial and Roman Identity in the De ortu Waluuanii nepotis Arturi"
Thomas C. Sawyer and Paul Vinhage, "Michael of Cornwall's Second Invective Against Henry of Avranches"
Timothy Glover, "Richard Rolle's Commentary on the Lord's Prayer: Composition, Text, Reception"
Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann, "Rational Knowledge and Religious Authority in Petrus Alfonsi"


Source : Brepols


Hilaire de Poitiers, Commentaires sur les Psaumes (127-133)


Hilaire de Poitiers, Commentaires sur les Psaumes (127-133), Paris, 2024.

Éditeur : Éditions du Cerf
Collection : Sources chrétiennes, 643
344 pages
ISBN : 9782204161695
52 €

La troisième et dernière cinquantaine de psaumes (100- 150) est la mieux représentée parmi les commentaires d'Hilaire de Poitiers. À la suite des cinq traités de la première cinquantaine (SC 515) et des vingt de la deuxième (SC 565, 603, 605), trente-trois psaumes de la troisième (118-150) ont inspiré à l'évêque des commentaires spirituels.

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S. Filosini (dir.), Poetic Rewritings in Late Latin Antiquity and Beyond


Stefania Filosini (dir.), Poetic Rewritings in Late Latin Antiquity and Beyond, Turnhout, 2024.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Studi e testi tardoantichi, vol. 23
520 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-61024-5
110 EUR (excl. VAT)

The essays in this collection present a multifaceted approach to the poetic rewriting of pre-existing texts, a characteristic procedure of late Latin poetry.
‘Rewriting' as the reworking of narrative material based on conscious strategies of composition plays a significant role in much of the Latin poetry of Late Antiquity. This book, resulting from the conference Riscritture poetiche nell'Occidente latino tra tarda antichità e medioevo, which was held on 9-11 May 2022 at the Department of Human Sciences (DSU) of the University of L'Aquila, looks at the range of practices and purposes that inform this procedure, with particular regard to the processes of transcodification enacted – in different historical and cultural contexts – by the recasting of authoritative prose texts into a classicising poetic idiom. The contributions present a multifaceted approach to rewriting, cover a variety of authors, genres, and texts, and cast a glance also at medieval Latin literature. In short, the essays in this collection, by reflecting on the interpretative contribution of the critical category of ‘rewriting', not only add further tesserae to the mosaic of literary studies on Late Latinity, they also invite to grasp the difference between secular and Christian rewritings.

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