Vendredi, 11 Octobre 2024 08:06
Jacques Elfassi
Florian Feldhofer, Die Alexandrias des Francisco Javier Alegre SJ (1729-1788). Ein Epos zwischen Curtius Rufus und Vergil, Hildesheim, 2024.
Éditeur : Olms Collection : Noctes Neolatinae, 40 600 pages ISBN : 978-3-487-16666-7 129 €
Die vorliegende Arbeit unterzieht die Alexandrias des Jesuiten Alegre einer eingehenden, textimmanenten Analyse. Hierbei werden die historischen Quellen (Curtius Rufus, Flavius Josephus) ebenso analysiert wie die dichterischen Vorlagen (Vergil, Homer, Lucan und andere). Alle Passagen des Werkes werden im Detail untersucht, die literarischen Bezüge zur Alexandertradition aufgezeigt und Verbindungen nicht nur zu antiken, sondern auch zu mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Autor:innen und Texten hergestellt. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist möglichen Zeitbezügen und Deutungen der Alexandrias gewidmet. Zudem werden die drei Ebenen des Epos, die historisch-antike, die antik-mythologische und die jüdisch-monotheistische gleichermaßen berücksichtigt.
Source : Nomos
Mercredi, 09 Octobre 2024 08:03
Vivien Kluge
Call for applications: Funding of scientific conferences
The Patrum Lumen Sustine-Foundation (Basel) offers funding of up to €15,000 for scientific conferences taking place in the first half of 2025. The conferences should be organised in the following fields: Classics/Greek and Latin Literature, Classical Archeology, the Archeology and Art History of the Middle Ages, and the Reception of Ancient and Medieval Culture in the Western Tradition. Applications must be submitted online via the web form of the foundation by the following deadlines: 1 October to 30 November 2024 (project start from 1 February 2025)
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Lundi, 07 Octobre 2024 08:04
Jacques Elfassi
Bartolomeo da Ferrara, Tractatus predicandus in ciuitate pestilenciata. Edizione critica a cura di Giovanni Paolo Maggioni. Introduzione a cura di Chiara Crisciani, Tommaso Duranti e Giovanni Paolo Maggioni, Florence, 2024.
Éditeur : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo Collection : Edizione Nazionale dei Testi Mediolatini d'Italia, 68 V-304 pages ISBN : 978-88-9290-316-6 70 €
Il Tractatus moralis predicandus in ciuitate pestilenciata di Bartolomeo da Ferrara, domenicano e inquisitore nella città, scritto nel 1424 durante uno dei focolai di peste che colpirono Ferrara e l'Europa nel Quattrocento, consta di quattro libri dedicati alle cause indicative, induttive, espulsive, rimediative della peste, secondo lo schema dei testi medici. Esso risulta essere, tra i non molti sermoni sulla pestilenza del sec. XV, la più ampia trattazione de peste finora reperita nell'oratoria sacra. Il testo, pur offrendo osservazioni pertinenti anche su temi naturalistici e medici, tratta l'argomento in termini religiosi, pastorali, scritturali e teologici e ha per fine l'incitamento alla penitenza e alla correzione morale, veri rimedi contro i peccati – male dell'anima – che provocano il male del corpo e in particolare la peste. Il Tractatus si propone così quasi come una Pestchrift moralis, o anche come un manuale di predicazione possibile in città colpite dalla peste.
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Vendredi, 04 Octobre 2024 07:58
Jacques Elfassi
Gerald of Wales, De gestis Giraldi, On the Deeds of Gerald. Edited and translated by Jacob Currie, With Thomas Charles-Edwards, and Paul Russell, Oxford, 2024.
Éditeur : Oxford University Press Collection : Oxford Medieval Texts 432 pages ISBN : 9780192869166 $ 210
De gestis Giraldi is a narrative of the deeds of Gerald of Wales (c. 1146-1223), written in the third person but actually by Gerald himself, and framed as the biography of a bishop although Gerald never became a bishop. Gerald was born in south-west Wales of mixed Norman and Welsh descent and educated at Gloucester and in Paris. He worked for Henry II and Richard I, by whom he was valued as an intermediary between the king and Gerald's relations, who included the leading Welsh king, Rhys ap Gruffudd, and many of the first English settlers in Ireland. When elected bishop of St Davids, Gerald was sent by his fellow-canons to Rome to secure his own consecration and metropolitan status for St Davids; ultimately, both cases failed, defeated by the combined power and resources of the English state and church. Near the beginning of this final part, the single MS breaks off, but the chapter-headings show that much of the substance is preserved in another work by Gerald. His career spanned Wales, Ireland, and England, Paris and Rome, and De gestis Giraldi offers a vivid and personal view of them all.
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