The Journal of Medieval Latin 34/2024

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The Journal of Medieval Latin 34, 2024.

Éditeur : Brepols
vi, 353 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60865-5
96 EUR (excl. VAT)

Table des matières
Luisa Ostacchini, "Ælfric of Eynsham and the Treatise De ebrietate cauenda of Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 63"
Rebecca Menmuir and Simon Whedbee, "Glossing Book 3 of the Pseudo-Ovidian De vetula"
Jérémy Delmulle, "Notes on the Text of the Twelfth-Century Cluniac Relatio metrica de duobus ducibus"
Gregory Hays, "Additional Notes on the Relatio metrica de duobus ducibus"
William Robins, "Quid turbata mente uersaris?: Agnellus of Ravenna and the Story of Apollonius of Tyre"
Gavin Weaire, "Gawain, Son of Viamundus: Problems of Filial and Roman Identity in the De ortu Waluuanii nepotis Arturi"
Thomas C. Sawyer and Paul Vinhage, "Michael of Cornwall's Second Invective Against Henry of Avranches"
Timothy Glover, "Richard Rolle's Commentary on the Lord's Prayer: Composition, Text, Reception"
Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann, "Rational Knowledge and Religious Authority in Petrus Alfonsi"


Source : Brepols