
A. Seiler, Ch. Benati et S. M. Pons-Sanz, Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe

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Annina Seiler, Chiara Benati et Sara M. Pons-Sanz, Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : The Medieval Translator, vol. 19
762 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-58457-7
€ 135 (excl. VAT)

Glossaries are the dictionaries of the medieval period. They were created at a time when no comprehensive dictionary of the Latin language existed, but lexicographical resources were urgently needed to engage with the writings of Classical and Late Antiquity as well as near-contemporary texts. In the non-Romance speaking areas in north-western Europe, the compilers of glossaries were quick to have recourse to their vernacular languages. Glossaries are often the places in which these languages were put into writing for the first time. Hence, the effort to explain Latin vocabulary resulted in bilingual lexicography and in the establishment of the vernaculars as written languages in their own right. The negotiation of linguistic and cultural barriers lies at the centre of the glossaries. Consequently, medieval traditions of glossography are highly interconnected.

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I. Morresi, Le Institutiones humanarum litterarum di Cassiodoro. Commento alle redazioni interpolate Φ Δ

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Ilaria Morresi, Le Institutiones humanarum litterarum di Cassiodoro. Commento alle redazioni interpolate Φ Δ, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 88
554 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-59590-0
€ 125 (excl. VAT)

The Institutiones humanarum litterarum – that is, the second book of Cassiodorus' masterpiece, devoted to secular learning – have come down to us in three different textual forms: the ‘authentic' recension Ω, corresponding to Cassiodorus' final wishes, and two subsequent recensions, designated as Φ and Δ. In these two recensions, later interpolations were added on the basis of an earlier authorial draft, providing modern readers with valuable information both about Cassiodorus' progressive revisions and about the early fortune of his work.

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C. Cataldi, The Bodley Glossaries. The Glossaries in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 730

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Claudio Cataldi, The Bodley Glossaries. The Glossaries in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 730, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Publications of the Dictionary of Old English, vol. 11
152 p. pages
ISBN : 978-0-88844-911-5
€ 93 (excl. VAT)

This volume presents the first full edition and study of the four glossaries preserved in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 730. The glossaries offer evidence of the continuity of the Old English glossarial tradition well into the Middle English period; with Latin (and sometimes Greek) entries followed by Latin, Anglo-Norman, and English glosses, they bear witness to the multilingual environment of late-twelfth and early thirteenth-century England. An introduction sets the glossaries in the history of medieval English lexicography, and textual apparatus and notes provide interpretations, parallels, and commentary on each entry.

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S. O'Sullivan et C. Arthur (éd.), Crafting Knowledge in the Early Medieval Book

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Sinéad O'Sullivan et Ciaran Arthur (éd.), Crafting Knowledge in the Early Medieval Book, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin, vol. 16
524 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60247-9
€ 115 (excl. VAT)

Collection and concealment were hallmarks of early medieval book culture. Materials of all kinds were collected, collated, concealed, condensed, correlated, paraphrased, reorganised, and repurposed in early medieval manuscripts. This volume of essays explores how knowledge was made in the early medieval book in the Latin West through two interrelated practices: collecting and concealing. It provides case studies across cultures and areas (e.g. exegesis, glossography, history, lexicography, literature, poetry, vernacular and Latin learning). Collectio underpinned scholarly productions from miscellanies to vademecums. It was at the heart of major enterprises such as the creation of commentaries, encyclopaedic compendia, glosses, glossaries, glossae collectae, and word lists. As a scholarly practice, collectio accords with the construction of inventories of inherited materials, the ruminative imperative of early medieval exegesis, and a kind of reading that required concentration. Concealment likewise played a key role in early medieval book culture. Obscuration was in line with well-known interpretative practices aimed at rendering knowledge less than immediate. This volume explores the practices of obscuring that predate the twelfth-century predilection, long recognised by historians, for reading that penetrates beneath the “covering” (integumentum, involucrum) to reveal the hidden truth. Cumulatively, the papers spotlight the currency of two crucial practices in early medieval book culture - the practices of collection and concealment. They demonstrate that early medieval authors, artists, compilers, commentators, and scribes were conspicuous collectors and concealers of knowledge.

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U. Tischer, Th. Kuhn-Treichel et S. Poletti (éd.), Sicut commentatores loquuntur. Authorship and Commentaries on Poetry

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Ute Tischer, Thomas Kuhn-Treichel et Stefano Poletti (éd.), Sicut commentatores loquuntur. Authorship and Commentaries on Poetry, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Studi e testi tardoantichi, vol. 21
480 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60534-0
€ 85 (excl. VAT)

Ancient commentaries on poetry – due to their heteronomous nature, their miscellaneous character, and the fact that most of them are transmitted in abridged and anonymous form – are usually not considered ‘authorial' texts in the same way as poems or literary prose are. Nevertheless, as didactic texts, they rely on authority to convey their interpretation, and they also often seem to have been perceived as products of authorial activity, as paratexts, references and pseudepigraphic attributions demonstrate.

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D. Bertrand, Patristique et spiritualité

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Dominique Bertrand, Patristique et spiritualité, Paris, 2023.

Éditeur : Éditions du Cerf
Collection : Patrimoines
418 pages
ISBN : 9782204156424
36 €

Dominique Bertrand, jésuite, ancien directeur de la collection Christus puis de la collection Sources Chrétiennes, a écrit dans deux grands domaines auxquels il a consacré beaucoup de temps et d'énergie : l'accompagnement spirituel des personnes et l'écoute active des pères de l'Église. À l'occasion de ses 90 ans, ses amis et collègues ont voulu éditer les plus importants des articles qui croisent ces deux compétences.
Le résultat est riche. On peut faire avec l'auteur l'inventaire heureux des « dons sans repentance » que Dieu fait à son Église au long des siècles (la personne d'Irénée, la vie monastique, le sacrement de réconciliation…) ; réinterroger librement les trop tranquilles certitudes (Dieu Trinité, mais encore ? Réécoutons Hilaire de Poitiers) ; chercher de nouveaux mots pour dire ce que Dieu peut faire en nous : autant de champs qu'ouvre et laboure ce recueil, dont la rédaction s'étend sur plus de trente ans.
Faut-il réintégrer les émotions dans la vie spirituelle ? Est-ce un recul de l'intelligence et de la raison ? Le corps est-il partie prenante de notre vie intérieure ? À l'heure de l'exégèse critique, que faire du « sens spirituel » des Écritures ? Pour diriger sa vie en ce monde actuel, que peut-on apprendre de vieux maîtres comme Origène, Évagre, Antoine du désert, Bernard de Clairvaux ou Ignace de Loyola ? Ceux et celles en qui ces questions résonnent auront en ces pages de quoi dialoguer avec une pensée subtile, libre de toute mode, et toujours ouverte à la nouveauté de l'Esprit.


Source : Éditions du Cerf


A. Puéjean, La civilisation romaine en Valais

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André Puéjean, La civilisation romaine en Valais. Contribution à l'histoire des Alpes occidentales à l'époque romaine, Nîmes, 2023.

Éditeur : Nombre 7
355 pages
ISBN : 978-2-38351-419-0
38 €

À l'époque romaine, les Alpes Poenines correspondaient au Valais et à une partie du Chablais vaudois occupés par quatre peuples celtes : les Nantuates, les Véragres, les Sédunes et les Ubères qui formèrent dès Claude un seul peuple, les Valaisans. Intégrées définitivement à l'Empire romain au début du principat d'Auguste, les Alpes Poenines formèrent à partir de Claude une province impériale dont l'administration fut confiée à un procurateur de rang équestre ayant sa résidence officielle à Martigny.

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