
Ch. Guérin, Cicéron. Un philosophe en politique

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Charles Guérin, Cicéron. Un philosophe en politique, Paris, 2023.

Éditeur : Calype
Collection : Destins
112 pages
ISBN : 978-2-494178-07-6
11.90 €

Cicéron résume à lui seul l'idée que l'on se fait de Rome : la langue latine, l'éloquence, la philosophie, la littérature. Mais pourquoi est-il devenu un « classique » ? Pour l'expliquer, cet ouvrage retrace l'histoire exceptionnelle d'un avocat et d'un homme politique du Ier siècle av. J.-C. qui, en luttant pour protéger la République romaine contre les pulsions destructrices de l'époque, a réussi à transformer les drames de son temps – les mesures d'exception, le recours à la violence, la division du corps politique, la guerre civile – en questionnements de portée universelle. Agissant en philosophe, philosophant en homme d'action, Cicéron incarne la culture du débat et de l'examen rationnel face à l'exercice dogmatique du pouvoir.

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S. Clément-Tarantino, J.-Ch. Jolivet et D. Vallat (éd.), Poétique(s) des commentaires antiques

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Séverine Clément-Tarantino, Jean-Christophe Jolivet et Daniel Vallat (éd.), Poétique(s) des commentaires antiques. Actes du colloque international (Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 17-18 novembre 2016), Bruxelles, 2022.

Éditeur : Société d'études latines de Bruxelles – Latomus
Collection : Collection Latomus, 364
IV-296 pages
ISBN : 9789042945340
75 €

Les commentaires des textes poétiques sont dans l'Antiquité l'un des fondements de la technè grammatikè depuis la période hellénistique et leur usage s'est prolongé jusque dans l'Empire byzantin pour le monde grec, et en Occident au-delà de la chute de l'Empire romain. Ils ont été les promoteurs d'une transdisciplinarité avant l'heure; l'explication du texte proprement dite était l'occasion d'aborder toute sorte de savoirs: grammaire, rhétorique, mythologie, histoire, droit, religion, etc.
Parmi ces savoirs, le présent volume s'intéresse aux différentes formes de poétique dans les commentaires antiques, grecs et latins. Les 17 contributions qu'il réunit expliquent comment, selon leurs schémas de pensée, les commentateurs ont compris et mis en valeur l'art poétique de leurs auteurs «scolaires» et comment la pratique et la lecture des poèmes antiques leur permettaient de décrypter les phénomènes d'écriture et les intentions du poète. Ainsi, l'exégèse constituait en soi une réception du texte dans les milieux «professionnels» de l'éducation antique et elle mobilisait, selon les besoins, les composants et outils stylistiques, narratologiques ou rhétoriques: on peut ainsi envisager le commentaire comme l'illustration de méthodes d'analyse littéraire, mais aussi comme le lieu de leur élaboration ou de leur transformation sous l'impulsion de grammatici à la recherche de la spécificité poétique, autant que de l'efficacité pédagogique.

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Iberia Pontificia. Vol. VII, Hispania Romana et Visigothica

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Katharina Knie, Sabine Panzram, Lorenzo Livorsi et Rocco Selvaggi, Iberia Pontificia. Vol. VII, Hispania Romana et Visigothica, Göttingen, 2022.

Éditeur : Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht
Collection : Regesta pontificum Romanorum
XX-114 pages
ISBN : 978-3-525-35229-8
60 €

Die Iberische Halbinsel galt und gilt traditionell als eine sehr früh in Gänze christianisierte Region im Mittelmeerraum. Dieser Status als unicum rührt von der Missionierung in den Zeiten der Apostel, der Einzigartigkeit des Mittelalters in seiner Abfolge von Conquista und Reconquista, der starken Ausprägung der Gegenreformation und der Hegemonie einer äußerst konservativen Form des Katholizismus in der Moderne. Die Briefwechsel zwischen den Bischöfen Hispaniens und dem Bischof von Rom bzw. Papst zwischen der Mitte des 3. und dem Ende des 7. Jahrhunderts gewähren Einblick zum einen in die hispanischen Verhältnisse, die eher auf einen geringen Grad an Christianisierung verweisen und zum einen in ein Verhältnis zu Rom, das vor allem durch Ignoranz geprägt war. Zusätzlich zum Nachweis der historiografischen Überlieferung bietet der Band bibliografische Angaben sowie eine Einführung in die Geschichte der römischen bzw. westgotischen Kirche.


Source : Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht


D. Agri, Reading Fear in Flavian Epic: Emotion, Power, and Stoicism

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Dalida Agri, Reading Fear in Flavian Epic: Emotion, Power, and Stoicism, Oxford, 2022.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
256 pages
ISBN : 9780192859303
£ 65

This book examines the textual representations of emotions, fear in particular, through the lens of Stoic thought and their impact on depictions of power, gender, and agency. It first draws attention to the role and significance of fear, and cognate emotions, in the tyrant's psyche, and then goes on to explore how these emotions, in turn, shape the wider narratives. The focus is on the lengthy epics of Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica, Statius' Thebaid, and Silius Italicus' Punica. All three poems are obsessed with men in power with no power over themselves, a marked concern that carries a strong Senecan fingerprint. Seneca's influence on post-Neronian epic can be felt beyond his plays. His Epistles and other prose works prove particularly illuminating for each of the poet's gendered treatment of the relationship between power and emotion. By adopting a Roman Stoic perspective, both philosophical and cultural, this study brings together a cluster of major ideas to draw meaningful connections and unlock new readings.


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A. Grillone, La traduzione latina del "Nicocles" isocrateo di Guarino Veronese

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Alessia Grillone, La traduzione latina del "Nicocles" isocrateo di Guarino Veronese. Introduzione, edizione critica e commento, Berlin, 2022.

Éditeur : De Gruyter
Collection : Beiträge zur Altertumskunde
pp. 296 pages
ISBN : 978-3-11-079116-7
€ 129,00

Il volume presenta l'editio princeps della versione latina del "Nicocles" isocrateo realizzata dal celebre umanista Guarino Veronese nei primi anni Trenta del Quattrocento. Il testo, infatti, ebbe una circolazione esclusivamente manoscritta e non è mai stato sottoposto ad un'analisi filologica, se si esclude il contributo pionieristico di Sabbadini (1916), limitato peraltro ai due brevi paratesti che accompagnano la versione (l'epistola di dedica a Leonello d'Este e l'argumentum). La presente edizione, completa di apparato critico, traduzione italiana e note di commento, soprattutto filologico, è preceduta da un'introduzione che inserisce la traduzione guariniana all'interno del suo contesto culturale e del legame che univa autore e destinatario. Il volume, arricchito dalla prefazione di Giancarlo Abbamonte, si conclude con le schede descrittive analitiche di tutti i testimoni manoscritti e con osservazioni sul modello greco, sul metodo versorio e sul lessico dell'autore.


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Ph. J. Brown, Friendship as Ecclesial Binding

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Phillip J. Brown, Friendship as Ecclesial Binding. Friendship as Ecclesial Binding. A Reading of St. Augustine's Theology of Friendship from his In Iohannis Euangelium Tractatus, Turnhout, 2022.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Studia Traditionis Theologiae, 48
201 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-59924-3
65 €

In the age of Augustine, within the classical structures of society, nothing was more valued than friends and friendship. Augustine was an innovative thinker and friendship represents a good example of his flair for reconfiguring its framework into an ecclesial setting. He wrote: ‘what greater consolation do we have in this human society, riddled with errors and anxieties, than the unfeigned faith and mutual love of true and good friends?'. Yet, as a Christian Bishop, how would he reconceive this well established and treasured institution? Friendship was certainly something that became recast within the light of his conversion and immersion into the life of the Church. In Augustine's exchange with the Donatists, we glimpse his most fully developed vision of friendship. Through his preaching on John's gospel, which comes to us as his In Iohannis Euangelium Tractatus, Augustine reveals this vision of what friendship is. Given that John's gospel gives such weight to the incarnation and to friendship, we can witness through his hermeneutical strategy of figuration, his notion that friendship with God comes in belonging to the totus Christus, ‘the whole Christ'. For Augustine, the universal nature of the Church as Christ's body and bride enjoys a continued connection to the head (Christ) and through the Church, its members live within the embrace of the Spirit. With this foundation of friendship, Augustine cried out to those separated by schism: belong—be bound—be friends with God in Christ.

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G. Manuwald et L. R. Nicholas (éd.), An Anthology of Neo-Latin Literature in British Universities

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Gesine Manuwald et Lucy R. Nicholas (éd.), An Anthology of Neo-Latin Literature in British Universities, Londres, 2022.

Éditeur : Bloomsbury
Collection : Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Early Modern Texts and Anthologies
320 pages
ISBN : 9781350160255
£ 90.00

Compiled by a team of experts in the field, this volume brings to view an array of Latin texts produced in British universities from c.1500 to 1700. It includes a comprehensive introduction to the production of Neo-Latin and Neo-Greek in the early modern university, the precise circumstances and broader environments that gave rise to it, plus an associated bibliography. 12 high-quality sections, each prefaced by its own short introduction, set forth the Latin (and occasionally Greek) texts and accompanying English translations and notes. Each section provides focused orientation and is arranged in such a way as to ensure the volume's accessibility to scholars and students at all levels of familiarity with Neo-Latin. Passages are taken from documents that were composed in seats of learning across the British Isles, in Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin, Edinburgh and St Andrews, and adduce a wide range of material from orations and disputational theses to collections of occasional verse, correspondence, notebooks and university drama.

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