
C.A.L.M.A. 6.4, Hugo Pictavinus - Iacobus Angeli de Rubeo Scuto

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C.A.L.M.A. 6.4, Hugo Pictavinus - Iacobus Angeli de Rubeo Scuto, Florence, 2019.

Éditeur : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo
pp. 373-496
ISBN : 978-88-8450-923-9
92 €

Source : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo


C. Giraud (éd.), A Companion to Twelfth-Century Schools

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Cédric Giraud (éd.), A Companion to Twelfth-Century Schools, Leyde-Boston, 2020.

Éditeur : Brill
Collection : Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 88
x-332 pages
ISBN : 978-90-04-32326-1
199 €

This Companion to Twelfth-Century Schools provides a comprehensive update and new synthesis of the last three decades of research. The fruit of a contemporary renewal of cultural history among international scholars of medieval studies, this collection draws on the discovery of new texts, the progress made in critical attribution, the growing attention given to the conditions surrounding the oral and written dissemination of works, the use of the notion of a “community of learning”, the reinterpretation of the relations between the cloister and the urban school, and links between institutional history and social history.

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Thietmar de Merseburg, Chronicon

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Thietmar de Merseburg, Chronicon. L'anno Mille e l'impero degli Ottoni, trad. Piero Bugiani, Viterbe, 2020.

Éditeur : Vocifuoriscena
Collection : Bifröst. Germanica
760 pages
ISBN : 788899959296
30 €

Ben prima di Adamo di Brema e di Elmoldo di Bosau, la lotta condotta dagli imperatori del Sacro romano impero per la conquista degli immensi territori a est dell'Elba, abitati da genti slave indomite e pagane, è stata mirabilmente raccontata da Tietmaro di Merseburgo (957-1018), devoto uomo di chiesa e scaltro e bizzoso politicante.
Nella sua prosa irta e possente, si delinea un Medioevo dell'anno Mille in cui la storia accurata del periodo ottoniano si mischia con i racconti di fantasmi, si popola dei revenants che abitano la notte, si colora di prodigi nel cielo e di cruente battaglie sulla terra.
Documento di fondamentale rilevanza della storiografia medievale, ma anche opera di straordinario valore letterario, il Chronicon di Tietmaro, scrupolosamente tradotto e curato da Piero Bugiani, viene qui presentato per la prima volta al lettore italiano con testo originale a fronte, in un'edizione scientificamente rigorosa e aggiornata.


Source : Vocifuoriscena


J. Hamesse, M. J. Muñoz Jiménez et Ch. L. Nighman (éd.), New Perspectives on Thomas of Ireland's Manipulus florum

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Jacqueline Hamesse, María-José Muñoz Jiménez, Chris L. Nighman (éd.), New Perspectives on Thomas of Ireland's Manipulus florum, Toronto, Ontario, 2020.

Éditeur : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Collection : Papers in Mediaeval Studies, vol. 32
ix + 254 p. pages
ISBN : 978-0-88844-832-3
€ 90 excl. tva

The study of Latin florilegia has gathered considerable momentum in recent years driven, in part, by the "New Philology", a theoretical approach to manuscript scholarship that regards textual variants not as corruptions of the original text, but as "authentic witnesses" in their own right. This growing emphasis on textual traditions is directly relevant to medieval florilegia, handy reference works that were widely employed prior to the twentieth century by writers of both vernacular and Latin texts to find eloquent, authoritative quotations from venerable authors. Although these collections of classical, patristic, and medieval quotations are by their nature derivative, they are increasingly recognized as valuable witnesses to historical mentalités. The selection and organization of these textual fragments not only reflects the intellectual milieux of their compilers, but also influenced later intellectual contexts.

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M. T. Kretschmer, Latin Love Elegy and the Dawn of the Ovidian Age

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Marek Thue Kretschmer, Latin Love Elegy and the Dawn of the Ovidian Age. A Study of the Versus Eporedienses and the Latin Classics, Turnhout, 2020.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin
175 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-58703-5
€ 75 excl. tva

First book-length study of the elegiac love poem Versus Eporedienses (ca. 1080)
The Versus Eporedienses (Verses from Ivrea), written around the year 1080 and attributed to a certain Wido, is a highly fascinating elegiac love poem celebrating worldly pleasures in an age usually associated with contemptus mundi. One of the poem's intriguing features, its extensive use of the Latin classics, especially of Ovid, makes it a precursor of the poetry of the so-called twelfth-century renaissance. In this first book-length study of the poem, the author provides a historical contextualisation, an edition and translation, a verse-by-verse commentary, a detailed analysis of the classical sources and a discussion of its similarities with contemporary and later medieval poetry.

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S. Lazaris (éd.), A Companion to Byzantine Science

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Stavros Lazaris (éd.), A Companion to Byzantine Science, Leyde-Boston, 2020.

Éditeur : Brill
Collection : Brill's Companions to the Byzantine World 6
XVI + 658 pages
240.00 €

La science à Byzance a rarement été explorée de manière systématique. Premier du genre, ce recueil d'articles met en lumière les disciplines, les réalisations et les contextes de la science byzantine à travers les onze siècles de l'empire.
Après une introduction sur la science à Byzance et une étude de la christianisation et de l'enseignement des sciences, il offre une vue d'ensemble complète et actualisée des disciplines scientifiques développées à Byzance, des sciences exactes aux sciences naturelles, en passant par la médecine, l'art militaire et les sciences occultes.
Le volume souligne la diversité et la présence vivace des différentes entreprises scientifiques du monde byzantin au cours de sa longue histoire. Il vise à faire entrer ce domaine dans des conversations plus larges au sein des études byzantines, des études médiévales et de l'histoire des sciences.

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Jean Scot Érigène, Carmina, De Imagine

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Jean Scot Érigène, Carmina, De Imagine, éd. Michael W. Herren, Andrew Dunning, Giovanni Mandolino et Chiara O. Tommasi (éd.), Turnhout, 2020.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 167
CLVII+201 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-55174-6
€ 250 excl. tva

John Scottus Eriugena's poetry reflects not only his central philosophical and theological ideas, but also his literary education and his life at the court of Charles the Bald. This corpus of Eriugena's poetry includes recent discoveries of new items. Works laid under contribution by the poet have also been expanded.
De Imagine represents the Latin translation of Gregory of Nyssa's treatise on the creation of man (De opificio hominis), a text that had already attracted the attention of Dionysius Exiguus in the sixth century. Probably a juvenile work, it witnesses to Eriugena's interests for translating Greek texts and in this respect can be paralleled to major texts like the translation of Maximus the Confessor and of Dionysius the Areopagite. Moreover, large portions of the text were paraphrased or directly employed in the Periphyseon and, later on, were used by William of St Thierry in his De natura corporis et animae.

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