
A. Papachrysostomou et al. (éd.), Γέρα: Studies in honor of Professor Menelaos Christopoulos. Special issue, Classics@ 25

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Athina Papachrysostomou, Andreas P. Antonopoulos, Alexandros-Fotios Mitsis, Fay Papadimitriou et Panagiota Taktikou (éd.), "Γέρα: Studies in honor of Professor Menelaos Christopoulos." Special issue, Classics@ 25, 2023.

Reflecting on a distinguished academic career marked by scholarly rigor, intellectual passion, and unwavering dedication to the field of Classical Studies, the editors and the contributors of this volume pay tribute to our distinguished colleague and dear friend Menelaos Christopoulos upon his retirement, following the International Conference that was held in his honor at the University of Patras in June 2023. As he gracefully concludes his eminent career as Full Professor of Ancient Greek Literature, it is with profound admiration and deep appreciation that we present him with this honorary volume, celebrating his remarkable contributions to the study, preservation, and dissemination of ancient Greek language, texts, and culture.

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R. Monreal, Aeneas als Held und Erzähler - Zur narrativen Struktur von Vergils Aeneis

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Ruth Monreal, Aeneas als Held und Erzähler - Zur narrativen Struktur von Vergils Aeneis, Göttingen, 2023.

Éditeur : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Collection : Hypomnemata,214
424 pages
ISBN : 978-3-525-31147-9
100,00 €

Vergils Aeneis wird in ihrer Eigenschaft als eigenständiger Erzähltext betrachtet. Die Untersuchung gilt insbesondere der Binnen-Erzählung des Aeneas in den Büchern 2–3. Dabei erweist sich der Umgang mit den unterschiedlichen epistemischen Perspektiven von erzählten Figuren, Erzählern und Adressaten als ein wesentliches Gestaltungsprinzip des vergilischen Epos.
Diskutiert werden u.a.:
- Die Figur des Aeneas als Titelheld der Aeneis
- Sämtliche Vorkommen der Wörter 'pietas', 'pius' und 'impius'
- Die zeitliche Organisation der Aeneis und die Funktion der 'fata'
- Die räumliche Organisation der Aeneis
- Die Integration der Ich-Erzählung des Aeneas in den Gesamtzusammenhang
- Der Tempusgebrauch in der Aeneis
- Die Bedeutung von 'ecce'
- Die wörtliche Rede in Aeneis 2 als Erzählen im dramatischen Modus
- Das epische Gleichnis (Definition)
- Die Gleichnisse in Aeneis 2–3 und ihre Bedeutung für den unmittelbaren Kontext
- Die Problematik der im Servius-Kommentar überlieferten Helena-Szene (Aen. 2,567–588)
- Die Rolle der Venus

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S. Pasalodos Requejo, Michele Savonarola y el primer tratado panitaliano De balneis

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Sergio Pasalodos Requejo, Michele Savonarola y el primer tratado panitaliano De balneis, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, vol. 103
xi + 356 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60777-1
€ 55 (excl. VAT)

En la Italia del Renacimiento, Michele Savonarola, abuelo del famoso Girolamo, es llamado a la corte de los Este en Ferrara, donde ejercerá como médico de la familia gobernante y como profesor de la universidad de la ciudad. Poco a poco la escritura se convertirá en su principal ocupación, dando lugar a una prolija y variada producción literaria que acoge temas políticos, religiosos, históricos o morales, sin descuidar su principal interés: la medicina. En este ámbito dedica escritos a materias tan dispares como la ginecología o la parasitología, y acoge todos ellos en su obra enciplopédica Practica. Analizamos en el presente trabajo su obra monográfica sobre el termalismo y los baños de Italia, texto fundamental que marca un punto de inflexión en la evolución del género de balneis, al incluir en su estudio de los baños de Italia termas ubicadas en Sicilia y gran parte de la península itálica, desde Padua hasta Nápoles, además de analizar los diversos tipos de baños y la composición química de las aguas mineromedicinales.


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G. Bonamente, R. Cristofoli et C. Santini (éd.), Luoghi, ambienti, immagini: il paesaggio in Properzio

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Giorgio Bonamente, Roberto Cristofoli et Carlo Santini (éd.), Luoghi, ambienti, immagini: il paesaggio in Properzio, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Studi di poesia latina - Studies in Latin Poetry, 23
392 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60581-4
€ 95 (excl. VAT)

With an investigation into the landscapes and environments – real, topical, imaginary, recalled and traversed by Propertius' elegies – the contributors focus on the poet's complex relationship not only with the images of the literary tradition and with those of artistic culture, but also with the images Rome, Italy and the Mediterranean offered him in his days. This results in the outlines of an original ‘imaginary' in which the power of personal creation has given Assisi, Rome and the Empire a form going beyond the limits of time and space.

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E. Dawson, Lives and Afterlives. The Hiberno-Latin Patrician Tradition, 650-1100

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Elizabeth Dawson, Lives and Afterlives. The Hiberno-Latin Patrician Tradition, 650-1100, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Studia Traditionis Theologiae
179 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60604-0
€ 70 (excl. VAT)

Saint Patrick is a central figure in the medieval Irish Church. As the converter saint he was a central anchor through which Irish people came to understand their complicated religious past as well as their new place in the wider Christian world. This study considers some of the earliest and most influential writings focused on Saint Patrick, and asks how successive generations forged, sustained and redirected aspects of the saint's persona in order to suit their specific religious and political needs.

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F. J. Vervaet, Reform, Revolution, Reaction

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Frederik Juliaan Vervaet, Reform, Revolution, Reaction. A Short History of Rome from the Origins of the Social War to the Dictatorship of Sulla, Saragosse, 2023.

Éditeur : Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Collection : Libera Res Publica
292 pages
ISBN : 978-84-1340-707-4
25 €

In 133 and 123/122 BCE, the Gracchan reforms opened three cans of worms, pitting the Roman landowning elites against their poorer compatriots, Roman economic interests against those of the Italian allies, and senators against equestrians. As these cumulative divisions threatened to coalesce into a perfect storm, the noble and wealthy tribune of the plebs M. Livius Drusus in 91 boldly proposed a comprehensive if costly New Deal. The eventual annulment of Drusus' visionary reform package set the stage for the armed rebellion of Rome's key Italic allies. Even before the conclusion of this gargantuan struggle in 87, the deep divisions Drusus and his backers had sought to resolve, compounded by political discontent among the enfranchised Italians, caused the Roman polity to descend into a series of devastating civil wars, terminated in 82/81 by Sulla's vindictive victory and reactionary new settlement. Offering a novel narrative analysis of the pivotal events of this well-known but often poorly understood period, this book seeks to demonstrate how the time from Livius Drusus' tribunate of the plebs to Sulla's unparalleled dictatorship was marked by momentous reform and experimentation and suggests that the former's fateful failure arguably represents the moment the Romans lost their ancestral Republic.


Source : Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza


D. Acolat et Y. Maligorne (éd.), Ruines méditerranéennes et photographie ancienne

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D. Acolat et Y. Maligorne (éd.), Ruines méditerranéennes et photographie ancienne, Rennes, 2023.

Éditeur : Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Collection : Archéologie et culture
268 pages
ISBN : 9782753594579
35 €

Au milieu du XIXe siècle apparaît un nouveau média qui documente les sites et monuments antiques : la photographie.
Sources historiques de grande valeur, ces vues sont devenues objets d'étude pour les choix esthétiques dont elles relèvent, leur contribution à l'élaboration et la diffusion des savoirs, leur rôle dans la formation d'un imaginaire et dans la « réception » de l'Antiquité, mais aussi leur dimension commerciale dans l'histoire du tourisme autour de la Méditerranée.
De l'Afrique du Nord à la Perse, en passant par Pompéi, Rome, la Grèce, la France et l'Égypte, nous suivons les photographes dans les vestiges antiques du Bassin méditerranéen à travers des fonds inédits, pour comprendre leurs motivations, leurs démarches, et parfois leurs difficultés. Ces vues d'une grande précision se multiplient au cours des décennies, documentant les nouvelles découvertes et les mises en valeur d'un patrimoine qu'on entend préserver de la destruction.

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